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« Omniture Excel Client – How to Deal with Bugs | Main | A Problem with Coupons »

December 06, 2007



Have used both VS and Disc. I don't understand how Disc is better in any way/aspect. Maybe a personal opinion, but the technology of VS seems to be a few years ahead of Disc. Whether that is a good thing or bad thing remains to be seen.

paul legutko

I agree -- VS is superior in many ways, particularly in its flexibility (Discover 2.5's segment builder is still inferior even to SiteCatalyst's Data Warehouse). I just predict that new releases of Discover post-acquisition will still technologically remain rooted in Discover's Java-based application and will only minimally assimilate technology from VS. What will happen to VS is an open question -- to convince a client to purchase both VS and Discover would be a tough sell. But we'll see...

Invierta en proyectos

Very informative post! Keep the nice job. We would love to see more.

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Discover 2.5 does not, in its present form, replace SiteCatalyst 13.5, but one has to ask whether Discover’s new look hints that this may be Omniture’s intention down the road.

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